
What I’m Thankful For

Sometimes throughout the year, with all the dramas of day to day life, we forget about all the things we should be thankful for.



Thursday was Thanksgiving, a time where we all get together with the family, catch-up with each others lives. We laugh and reminisce on old memories and great times. I know in my family there is at least two card games going. And we all sit down to a great meal.

It warmed my heart yesterday to see my great grandmother sit in a room with all her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great grandchildren. It is amazing to be able to grow up with elders like your great grandmother in your life.

Sometimes throughout the year, with all the dramas of day to day life, we forget about all the blessings we have and all the great things we have to be thankful for. We have to remember there are some families who  don’t have food and money throughout the holiday season. Just last year, there were countless families who had to up root their lives and lost all that they had due to the aftermath of Hurrican Sandy.

Thanksgiving reminds me of all that I have to be thankful for and to pray for those who don’t have anything. As I looked at the faces of my elders, my little cousins and new babies in the family, I feel so happy to be able to enjoy the pleasures of my family’s company.

Happy belated Thanksgiving!

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