Health & Wellness

5 facts about sickle cell anemia

The month of September is dedicated to Sickle Cell Anemia awareness.



The most common hereditary hematologic disorder in the world, Sickle Cell anemia primarily affects Black Africans and Americans, as well as some persons of Mediterranean, East Indian or Latin American heritage.

Sickle Cell Facts

The month of September is dedicated to Sickle Cell Anemia awareness. In effort to spread awareness on the disease, I would like to present some facts about sickle cell anemia.

1. Sickle cell disease affects about 1 in 400 African Americans.

In the USA there are some 50,000 African Americans and Hispanics affected with sickle cell disorders.

2. Sickle cell disease is the most common genetic disorder in the United States.

About 100,000 Americans are thought to be living with sickle cell disease, and every year another 1,000 babies are born with the disease.

3. Sickle cell is inherited.

People are born with sickle disease. It does not develop in adulthood and it is not contagious.

Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease that is passed down from parent to child. To have the disease, both parents must have what is known as the sickle cell trait. If both parents do have the trait, then there’s a 25% chance the child may develop it.

Sickle cell is determined by an extensive blood test.

4. It is a chronic disease, but it is treatable
Just like many other chronic diseases, Sickle Cell anemia is treatable. Patients with this disease suffer from extreme pain, as the flow of red blood cells in the body is affected because of their abnormal shape.

The disease can be managed efficiently through everyday care and regular sickle cell anemia treatment.

5. Signs and Symptoms

Some signs and symptoms of Sickle Cell include severe pain in bones and muscle, fatigue, problems with eye sight and in later stages yellow skin from liver problems.

The pain is caused by the sickle shaped cells and many of the other symptoms are similar to clots.

It is very imperative that you get your blood tested right away if you experience any of these symptoms.

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