
Singer Heidi Burson captivates audiences through human experience

Heidi Burson’s story as an artist is one of shared human experience. Read abou the talented singer and songwriter right here on Unheard Voices.



Heidi Burson

Unheard Voices would like to introduce singer Heidi Burson.

There are millions of people trying to make it in the music industry. Millions of people who can sing. Millions who can dance. Just millions with talent. But the one question that solidifies the artists artistry is, what sets you apart from the rest? In my opinion, the answer to that question will be the defining moment in an artists career.

What separates you from everyone else?

When Unheard Voices collaborated with Reverbnation several years ago, our mission was to find artists not only separating themselves from crowd but also living in their truth while epitomizing the meaning of true artistry. It is always refreshing doing this opportunity because you will stumble upon a hidden gem who exemplifies that and more. This month, we would like to introduce singer Heidi Burson.

Who is Heidi Burson?

Heidi Burson’s story as an artist is one of shared human experience. A native of Ohio, very early on, Heidi says she felt the poignancy of the music of the great soul singers who came before her like Etta James and Aretha Franklin.

Heidi says she was struck by their power and intensity with which they expressed the longing, which we all share, for love and acceptance.

These influences, coupled with her own life experiences and a generous dusting of wry humor, has helped Heidi forge a voice and style that is uniquely fascinating.

Now based out of Nashville, Heidi is an award-winning artist and songwriter who has released two self-produced full-length albums: Every Shade of Blue in 2012 and The Story in 2017 which features a powerful 12 piece band. She is not only captivating audiences on the Nashville stages, but enthralling listening ears through the airwaves.

You might hear Heidi’s music on AcmeRadioLive and Lightning 100 in Nashville as well as various other independent radio stations across the United States. Burson’s talent has crossed over into the mainstream market as her single, “Give Your Love Away” has been featured on BBC Radio.

In addition, Heidi Burson is alluring audiences in the international sphere. To date, Burson has received song placements on UK playlists for various businesses and future placements on TV and film are about to take flight.  Not only has she secured bookings from the east to the west coast, but in true indie/unsigned artist style she has successfully produced two full summer tours throughout the UK and Europe.

Her touring has seen her perform in various festivals, concert series and notable venues such as the Bluebird Cafe in Nashville, the 100 Club in London and Ruine Senftenburg Castle in Austria.

With unabating drive and some milestone career goals now achieved, Heidi hopes to continue reaching across the world to connect people to each other with the love of good music.  As a an avid music lover, it’s exhilarating to come across an artist who understands the meaning of good authentic music.


I was able to ask Heidi a few questions about her career and where she sees herself going. Get to know Heidi below:

UV: When did you fall in love with music?
Heidi Burson: This is a tough one because I feel like I’ve always been in love with music for as long as I can remember but if I had to pinpoint a time in my life it would probably be as a little girl sitting at the piano learning how to play with my mom as my teacher. Each lesson was a special moment to learn from her and to take those notes on the page in front of me and turn them into sounds coming from my fingers. I should also add that I was a sucker for a good movie score. I would watch a handful of films over and over again merely because I loved the music in the background that added to the storyline. It moved something within me.

UV: How long have you been creating and performing music?
Heidi Burson: I started writing my own songs when I got to be about 14-15 years old. I felt compelled to put my own thoughts down on paper drawing inspiration from the movies I’d seen, the stories I’d heard etc. I’ve been performing since I was a kid in church mostly and in my school choir and band. Professionally, I’ve been at it for about 16 years now!

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UV:What does your work aim to say?
Heidi Burson:Above all else, LOVE. In the beginning my work was more about getting my own emotions out through music but as I grow older I’m trying to send a message of learning to love yourself and share that love with others.

I hope that what I create encourages people to choose love, always.

UV:Who are your biggest influences besides musical artists?
Heidi Burson:First and foremost, my parents. Through all life has thrown at them, they persevered and have set the ultimate example of how working hard and being good to others can lead to a happy life. Powerful quotes throughout history from people like Gandhi and Maya Angelou have also influenced how I live my life and how I use my talents. For example, “…people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” (Maya Angelou) This quote has stuck in my mind because as a creator of music I have the chance to make people “feel.”

UV:Where are you from? Is there a music scene? If so, how have you tapped into that market?
Heidi Burson:I grew up in the northwest region of Ohio, but my music career has been based out of Nashville, Tennessee for 16 years. And yes. There is a HUGE music scene there obviously 😉 I will say in the beginning, it was difficult to tap into the market because Nashville is known as a country music town and I like to think I sing like Aretha Franklin so it took some time for me to figure out where best to be received. I’ve grown a following there now and have venues that appreciate what I do and there is an amazing soul/r&b tribe that’s been cultivated there. As a songwriter, however, you can definitely find a place for yourself because people come from all over the world to see where all the songs come from. Like so many others, I started out hitting up open mic nights and songwriter rounds but that eventually grew into bigger and better things. Networking is key there. You have to get out to meet like minded people who are doing the same thing as you and learn by observing what works and what doesn’t.

UV:Tell us about your experience tapping into the international market?

Heidi Burson:Playing abroad is where my heart is at these days. I was fortunate to be asked to accompany a group of musicians to perform on a tour of England and Scotland one summer and I’ve just kept building the relationships that I’ve made there year after year. I make it a point to return every year to keep cultivating that market. I love to travel and I’ve found that people abroad have a different appreciation of music unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I truly feel like I’ve made some of the most amazing friendships I’ll ever have by bringing music to people in other countries. It can be tricky at first because of rules in each country, getting around and language barriers but I love those challenges! You can’t be afraid to ask questions and you’ll have to do a lot of research but it’s well worth it!

UV: What is the hardest challenge you have encountered with building your brand as an independent artist, especially on social media?
Heidi Burson:Organic growth. Some days it feels like what I’m doing isn’t making a big enough splash when I compare myself to other indie artists. I try to pay attention to things that I’ve learned over time such as, what time of day to post something, is the content relevant to my brand, did this post get enough likes or shares, should I pay to boost this??… It can be daunting and honestly, feels a bit egotistical to constantly talk about myself online.

I take comfort in knowing that each thing I post is being put out in the world with good intention and an honest message.

The way the world is moving with digital media means you have to move with it and stand out. I’m getting there, but I still feel like I have room to grow for sure.

UV: Has anyone ever given you negative feedback on your music, if so how did you react to it?
Heidi Burson:Funny story, and yes. I was down in Key West performing at one of my favorite spots with a band like I do a couple times each year. It’s a week long gig every night from 10pm-2am and super fun, upbeat with people dancing and drinking. One time, it was the morning after our second show of the week and I received an email through my website from a “fan” meaning this person was present the night before and took a business card from the merch table. He held nothing back and just seemed to unload some stress in my direction tearing apart the performance, the sound, my vocals, etc. I was a little hurt, but thought I’d just let it roll off my back because you can’t please everybody. Fast forward to the morning after the third show, the same thing happened again. This person truly didn’t enjoy the show but managed to come back the next night and tear me down again so I decided to respond. I merely thanked him for his input and promised to take his suggestions into consideration. I also told him that I understand, as an artist, what I do isn’t for everyone. I wished him well and asked him to personally come and talk to me should he return to another show that week. Well, lo and behold, he came back on the last night and bought both of my albums and even had me sign them! I didn’t realize at the time I met him but he did indeed email me again the next morning and said he couldn’t stop listening to the music and thanked me for signing them. So, the moral of the story is, take that negative feedback with a grain of salt. Anything can turn around, LOL.

UV: How important and/or how difficult is it to support your career with your own funding?
Heidi Burson:Speaking from my own experience, funding my own career has been a crucial lesson of staying humble and empowerment. EVERY dollar, nickel and dime I earn goes right back into my business. It’s the phase I’m in at this point of my career. I look at my credit card balance, which I know is there because of CD and T-shirt orders, flights, gas, car maintenance, trailer rental, lodging, food etc from all my touring. Then, I look at the money I made over the last few months and think, great! I can pay this balance off or buy some new stage clothes or treat myself to dinner somewhere nice. Or, I can invest in a huge opportunity that will bring better paying gigs in bigger venues in the next year and beyond. What
would you do?

It’s a tough decision ALL of the time.

I try to maintain a reasonable amount of debt to income ratio while not sacrificing manageable growth. I feel empowered as a single woman and independent artist that I’ve managed to keep my head above water and I think it sends a strong message to a company that might step in to help with your career when you’ve proven you can do it all by yourself. I’ve definitely eaten my fair share of beans and rice!

UV:How does your work comment on current social or political issues?
Heidi Burson:Well, ultimately the rule here, so I’ve been told, is to leave religion and politics out of your music and off the stage.

I just don’t agree with that.
I think there is a time and a place for it but remaining silent is the wrong course of action.

The music I’m currently working on highlights current events more than it ever has because awareness of each other and acceptance of who we are is so crucial. Peace doesn’t come lightly and I want to celebrate and spotlight the ones that are making a difference as well as the ones that are tearing us down. Music has always been both a platform and a catalyst for change in our history. I want to be on the right side of history.

UV: Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
Heidi Burson:Accepting a Grammy. Speaking it into existence! Also, I see myself fulfilling a busy calendar of shows both here and abroad on bigger stages. I hear my music on TV shows, movies, commercials and I’m getting regular requests to co-write on some of the biggest albums being created. My third album will have hit soundwaves by then and it’s making people think and feel on a deeper level. And… I’m most likely living somewhere in Europe… 😉

UV: Do you have any upcoming shows?
Heidi Burson:I do! The booking never stops 😉 I’ve got one coming up which I’m really excited about in Berlin in January. I’ve been invited by Jazz Radio Berlin to come perform at a venue there and they’ve been spinning my tunes on their station in anticipation. I’ll do a few shows in England while I’m in that neck of the woods as well. Then starting in mid-Feb I’ll be touring across the US again. Planning to hit all of California for the first time in 2019! I keep all of my dates current at

UV: What current projects do you have out or forthcoming projects in progress?
Heidi Burson:Currently my focus is on writing. I’ve been on the road for the last nine months and find myself back in Nashville for a few months to rest and regroup. I’m in the planning phase for my third self-produced record. There will be new songs coming your way in early 2020 with a couple singles making their appearance in 2019. I’m also in the creative process of some new music videos. They will touch on what’s been happening in the world and send a strong statement that needs to be heard. Stay tuned…

UV: In closing, I would like you to leave the Unheard Voices readers words of encouragement and inspiration, especially for those pursuing a career in music and entertainment.
Heidi Burson: The obvious things here are never give up, always believe in yourself and keep working even when it gets hard because if it was easy everybody would do it. But I want to be more original than that. My advice to fellow dream chasers out there is first and foremost: figure out what your strengths are, constantly educate yourself on what you’re trying to achieve, figure out what you stand for and then use your talents to send your message out clear and strong. Never compromise on that message. If what you’re creating means that much to you and you truly believe in its worth then be proud to share it. Honestly, if you don’t confidently think it’s good then no one else will. Be vulnerable. Being an artist means exposing yourself to all things good and bad but once you’ve harnessed the ability to share your creativity with people in the most vulnerable way it’s the most freeing experience in the world. The rest will follow. Always use your talents for good. Positive energy in, positive energy out will make getting over those hurdles and setbacks so much easier. And above all else, make all the mistakes. Crazy I know, but I feel like some of my best doors have opened through lessons learned and I’m a better person for it.

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