Eric Ohena Lembembe, a prominent LGBT rights advocate and journalist was found dead at his home in Yaoundé, Cameroon on Monday evening.
Talesha Crank, owner of Ms. Cappie's Cookies, stopped by to discuss her delicious baked treats.
Who would have ever believed that in the world we live a man can gun down a child basically in cold blood and get away with...
After six women handed down a not guilty verdict in the second-degree murder trial against George Zimmerman, people have been protesting, rallying, and converging
Ms. Cappie's Cookies (More than just cookies!) is enjoying the summer in Our Community and all it has to offer.
One of the six anonymous jurors who voted to acquit George Zimmerman of murder charges has signed with a literary agency to write a book about...
After George Zimmerman was found not guilty for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, many are speaking out and speaking up
This past weekend Ms. Cappie's Cookies (More than just cookies!) attended great events.
President Obama has just released a statement in response to the verdict on the George Zimmerman trial.
The prosecution in the George Zimmerman trial has rested its case and held closing arguments today.