The mother of 5-year-old Shaniya Davis, and a family friend have pleaded not guilty today to charges stemming from the girl's death nearly two years ago.
Popular CNN Anchor Don Lemon, who not long ago told the world he was gay, recently stated being a black gay male is the worst thing...
According to a report by ABC news, police are using the popular hip-hop/video website to catch criminals.
In a statement released on Tuesday, the coroner determined the "love, peace, and soul" man died Feb. 1 after shooting himself in the head.
This is not only an epidemic in Detroit, there is common denominator everywhere. For some reason, media tends to forget minorities, particularly blacks in covering stories.
Today marks the 12th anniversary of the rapper's death. Big Pun was an influential rapper who emerged from the underground rap scene in The Bronx in...
An unarmed Bronx teenager has been shot dead by a police officer in front of his mother.
Eli Manning drove the New York Giants down the field in the fourth quarter to win a dramatic Superbowl victory over the New England Patriots.
According to reports, Amar'e Stoudemire's older brother has died.
Richard Pryor was an American stand-up comedian, actor, social critic, writer and MC.