Discontentment in this country is at an all-time high, as we look at blacks in this area.
Black History Month celebrates Vietnam Veteran George Reed. George Reed served his country proud during the Vietnam War.
Black History Month celebrates Wilbur V. Martin. Wilbur V. Martin is a Vietnam Veteran who served the United States proud.
The Denver Broncos proved to the world why they were the number one defense overall in the NFL, leading their way to becoming Super Bowl 50...
The hip-hop community is mourning after the death of legendary New York DJ Big Kap who died on Wednesday morning (Feb. 3).
Hip-Hop Retreat Week will be serving the experience that all artists expect of hip-hop in NYC
For the first time ever, ESSENCE’s annual Hollywood March Issue cover features comedy vet and host of the highly anticipated 2016 Oscars Chris Rock—live and unfiltered!
Grammy award-winning artist, ANTHONY HAMILTON premieres his new first single "Amen" from his forthcoming fifth studio album.
This is not the Super Bowl! This is Championship week and last time I checked, only one of those two quarterbacks will be in this year’s...
Jada Pinkett Smith and Spike Lee to boycott 2016 Oscars
A fourth man has been arrested in connection to the murder of New Jersey middle school teacher Jonelle Melton