The National Black Theatre and the Apollo announce The Gathering: A Collective Sonic Ring Shout, a special event on the Black Diaspora experience taking place in...
Glasshaus Presents is proud to announce Grammy-winning artist Bilal on Live at Glasshaus, a mid-career retrospective featuring a supergroup of Questlove, Common, Robert Glasper, and Burniss...
As an up & coming artist hailing from Cleveland, Ohio's Morris Black housing projects, TruSoul Davis is adamant to keep love in music.
Sylvester Covin, an actor who appeared in Toxic Avenger, De La Soul’s "Me, Myself, and I", and Dirty Laundry The Sitcom, has passed away.
Missin Peace is the only national police misconduct database that collects formal civilian complaints against law enforcement.
32-year-old Irene Gakwa was last seen on February 24th.
Chad Watson is a lyricist, songwriter, producer, and classically trained pianist based out of the Los Angeles area.
Nine4 is a musician who infuses R&B, rap, and hip-hop, creating a unique blend of music that spans across multiple genres.
Leonard Coleman was found guilty of murdering Kimberly Mixon in Mobile County, Alabama in December 2011 . He says the jury got it wrong and a...
Protests broke out over the weekend in Akron, Ohio, over new body camera footage that shows eight police officers shooting Jayland Walker more than 60 times.