There's a new social media trend that has sparked the conversation on race.
The family of a black student at Paulsboro High School plans to sue over a racially charged photo of wrestling students posing with a dummy.
Jesse Williams expressed he believed everyone in America should be outraged over the death of black teenager Jordan Davis
Where are we to turn when something more vicious than AIDS arises?
Al Sharpton and other black community leaders met with the CEO of Barney's New York to discuss the recent allegations of racial profiling at their stores.
In 1963, in the midst of the heated debate over the desegregation of American schools, the University of Alabama announced that it would for the first...
Always be aware of your actions and the possible consequences.
In the past couple of years in Monmouth county and all around the country so many young black boys and girls have died at the hands...
It is 2013 and it's still unbelievable that racism has a major place in our world society.
The George Zimmerman case and justice for Trayvon Martin has many glued to their televisions.