On Wednesday, Michael Dunn was found guilty of first degree murder in the shooting death of 17-year-old Jordan Davis.
Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson has apologized to the family of slain teen Michael Brown
On September 09, 2014, an evening at the Lincoln Center, the Spring 2015 Collection of the Designers Profiles was presented at The Art Institute Creativity for...
A woman who was punched by a California Highway Patrol officer will receive $1.5 million dollars under a newly reached settlement.
If you're a serious music artist trying to cultivate your way into the music industry these are five things you should be doing.
Unheard Voices would like to introduce its readers to our newest UV category called the Gospel.
The month of September is dedicated to Sickle Cell Anemia awareness.
The month of September is dedicated to Sickle Cell Anemia awareness.
This past Summer I had the opportunity to kick it with, in my opinion, Jersey’s hottest emerging new artist- Joe College
A mother is distraught and is looking for answers after her son was killed by police.
Actress Daniele Watts, who was detained by Studio City police, has contacted the NAACP, accusing the police department of racism and discrimination.