Comedienne and actress Yvette Wilson, best known for her role on "Moesha" and the spinoff "The Parkers", is determined to fight for her life. Wilson, has...
Trayvon Martin died from a single gun shot wound to the chest from "Intermediate range".
Chuck Brown, the 75-year-old father of D.C. Go-go music, died on Wednesday, Tom Goldfogle, Brown's manager confirmed.
After three days of deliberation, jurors found William Balfour guilty in the October 2008 shooting deaths of the Oscar-winner Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother and nephew.
President Obama's position on same-sex marriage has evolved.
Unheard Voices Networks was invited to Monmouth University to Speak with the Parents, students and instructors of The P.A.C. program at their end of year semester...
The sun may have not been shining, but the love was there for a 12-year-old girl who was murdered nearly 20 years ago.
Singer D'Angelo will give his first US Performance in 10 years
Jasmine Marks and her family doesn't have anything pleasant to say about La Fisherman in Houston after receiving bad service and then being locked inside the...
NFL legend, Junior Seau, cause of death has been revealed.
7 of the 11 people charged in the hazing death of Florida A&M University drum major Robert Champion have turned themselves in.