On April 26, 2020, Florence Nwando Onwusi Didigu, 73, defended her dissertation to earn her Ph.D. in Communication, Culture and Media Studies at Howard Univ
President Obama left Howard University 2016 graduates full of inspiration with his powerful speech as the HBCU graduates enter a new journey.
LeBron James will send more than 1,000 kids to college. How awesome!
Rapper Wale has teamed up with First Lady Michelle Obama to inspire and help college-bound teens overcome obstacles and succeed in college.
Just getting into one ivy league is a task, but Kwasi Enin was able to defeat the odds literally : he was accepted to all 8...
Morris Brown College, a historically black college established in 1881 by the African Methodist Episcopal Church, is facing foreclosure.
Florida A&M University moves to settle a lawsuit filed against the school after the hazing death of Robert Champion.
Thirteen people were charged with their role in the hazing death of Florida A&M University drum major who was severely beaten
A report published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics finds 50% of students graduating from college with a bachelor's degree in 2012 are unemployed or underemployed.
For the third year in a row, every senior in an all African-American urban charter high school for men in Chicago, has been accepted to college.