On Tuesday, Dec. 10, after 7 p.m. EST, both Mariana Grier, 21, and Antwon Grier, 20, were shot when “gunfire erupted within the crowd” of an...
"Star Wars: Skeleton Crew" follows the journey of four kids who make a mysterious discovery on their seemingly safe home planet, then get lost in a...
Based on the book "The Nickel Boys" by Colson Whitehead, Nickel Boys chronicles the powerful friendship between two young Black teenagers navigating the harrowing trials of...
BLK's 2024 Pride Month campaign represents a pivotal initiative that celebrates and amplifies the influence of key figures within the Black LGBTQ+ community.
To commemorate the impact of Black Love, BLK dating app is using Black History Month to celebrate this important element of Black culture.
An Illinois family is demanding answers after their 14-year-old autistic son was tased by police in what they maintain was a case of mistaken identity.
Unheard Voices Editor-in-Chief Chenelle Covin received the Women of Color STEM Award in Technical Innovation in Government.
On Saturday, February 18, a group of activists marched to a post office to mail 1,000 pink letters to Mexican authorities.
A Florida preschool is under fire after children were photographed in what appeared to be blackface.
Missin Peace is the only national police misconduct database that collects formal civilian complaints against law enforcement.