Family and friends are worried sick about Fehintola Omidele whose been missing since November 30th.
Attorney General Eric Holder : Cleveland Police are poorly trained and have a history of excessive force.
Attorney General Eric Holder announced Wednesday that the Justice Department will conduct a civil rights investigation into the death of Eric Garner.
Da Sweet Blood of Jesus is a romantic horror comedy film about bloodsucker
A Staten Island Grand jury on Wednesday has cleared the cop charged with the death of Eric Garner in July.
A police officer in Pontiac, MI is under fire after a video has surfaced of him targeting a black man because he was walking.
In response to Ferguson President Obama announced several reforms, including the use of body cameras by police officers.
According to a study, police officers tend to view black kids less innocent than white kids.
Darren Wilson, who shot and killed unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown, has resigned from his position as a police officer.
A pregnant woman lost her left eye when cops in Ferguson shot out a car window with a bean bag
Thousands gathered in New York City to protest the non-indictment in the Michael Brown case.