CBS presents 13 DAYS IN FERGUSON, a primetime special looking at the protests, riots and aftermath following the 2014 police shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown, airing...
The father of Michael Brown and other activists from Ferguson, Missouri, are demanding financial support from Black Lives Matter.
A prominent Ferguson activist claims her son, who was found dead last month, was lynched and she wants answers.
Michael Brown's mother and sister graduated from high school together last week receiving diplomas from Jennings Senior High School.
New evidence has been released that suggests Michael Brown was not robbing a store before he was fatally shot by Ferguson police.
Nearly a million people emerged in at the National Mall in Washington in DC for the 20th Anniversary of the Million Man March.
A state of emergency has been declared in St. Louis County amidst Ferguson protests.
The makeshift memorial that has marked the site of where Michael Brown was killed will be removed and replaced with a plaque
The family of Michael Brown has filed a civil lawsuit against the city of Ferguson.
Since 1999, nearly 90 unarmed people have been shot and killed by local police departments, at least 66 of those people were Black