22-year-old Symone Marshall died while in police custody and I will not let her story be swept under the rug
Stay Woke highlights Black Lives Matter protesters and how the movement has grown since its early beginnings in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting.
On May 20, 2016 the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School students along with Mr. Wronko had a joint discussion with the teachers and students...
A lot of people are shouting no justice, no peace, as an officer has been acquitted of all charges in the death of Freddie Gray.
I'm so hurt by how much I didn't enjoy the Bad Boy Reunion Concert.
This journey we call life takes bends, turns and sometimes you don't expect the drops you receive but it's all orchestrated.
After a sold out crowd in both Chicago and Detroit, The Unlocked Summit takes its two day seminar on the road with its next stop in...
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. MS had a science fair which allowed students to proudly display their projects to peers, parents, teachers, and administrors.
Ermon K. Jones, civil rights activist and pioneer, passes away at 92.
President Obama left Howard University 2016 graduates full of inspiration with his powerful speech as the HBCU graduates enter a new journey.