Federal marshals seized emails from a Georgia sheriff's office in Kendrick Johnson's case.
A Native American activist was recently arrested and found dead in jail under conditions who many are saying it is very similar to those of Sandra...
Twitter campaign shines light on the positives in African Culture
Will Smith and Jay-Z are coming together to produce a mini series on Emmett Till for HBO
Rapper Wale has teamed up with First Lady Michelle Obama to inspire and help college-bound teens overcome obstacles and succeed in college.
A prosecutor says the autopsy of Sandra Bland concluded that her injuries were consistent with suicide, not homicide
Sandra Bland said she couldn't believe what she was going through in a haunting voicemail she left to her friend before she was found dead in...
TV One’s show-stopping series Lexus Verses And Flow is back this summer with its fifth season premiere on Thursday, July 30.
A poll last year found that 68 percent of Latinos feared that law enforcement officials -- including both police and the Border Patrol
kweliTV will offer black programming like movies, shows, and educational shows geared toward the black community.