Darren Wilson, who shot and killed unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown, has resigned from his position as a police officer.
A pregnant woman lost her left eye when cops in Ferguson shot out a car window with a bean bag
Thousands gathered in New York City to protest the non-indictment in the Michael Brown case.
Tamir Rice has become yet another victim of killing by police.
Being unarmed doesn't make you a threat...your skin color does. For Black people sometimes your skin color is a deadly weapon.
Marissa Alexander, who's case was followed by thousands feeling injustice on her part, will be a free woman in January.
Marion Barry, the longtime mayor of Washington, DC who had a remarkable political comeback after a 1990 FBI sting videotaped him smoking crack cocaine, died early...
remember the conversation like it was yesterday when I planned to tell my family that I was gay.
Officials at BET have stated the music countdown show, 106 & Park, will be going off the air in December.
On November 5, 2014 Asbury Park Middle School held a special Veteran's Day ceremony.