City leaders have agreed to pay out $5 million dollars to the family of a teenager who was shot 16 times last fall by Chicago police
Director Spike Lee is reported to be working on a new project that will tackle the ongoing violence in Chicago entitled Chiraq
On Thursday, March 26th, the Chicago convergence will feature an historic discussion among women of color who have been imprisoned for self-defense.
Kevin Stonewall was discovering colon cancer breakthroughs during his last year of the high school.
An 11-year-old girl became the latest child in Chicago to be killed by gunfire this past weekend when a stray bullet drifted through a bedroom window...
Unheard Voices Magazine has partnered with Reverbnation to search for indie artists who are claiming their fame! After many submissions and narrowing it down to only...
Its only been two weeks into the new year and statistics are already showing a grim reality of Chicago's crime rate
A judge sentenced William Balfour to three consecutive life terms, after a jury convicted him of murdering three of Jennifer Hudson's family members.
Is it time to call in the National Guard? According to The New York Times, homicides in Chicago have increased by 38 percent as New York...
After three days of deliberation, jurors found William Balfour guilty in the October 2008 shooting deaths of the Oscar-winner Jennifer Hudson's mother, brother and nephew.