Miami's Richmond Heights explores the lives of early Black World War II veterans and the rationale of the white developer Captain Frank C. Martin who perpetuated...
Former officer Demetrius Haley reportedly took photos of Tyre Nichols and sent them to other officers and a female acquaintance.
Former officer Preston Hemphill was fired after a "thorough review" found that he violated "multiple department policies," including "personal conduct" and "truthfulness."
Tadarrius Bean, 24, was the president of the Omega Psi Phi’s Eta Zeta chapter at the University of Mississippi, according to his LinkedIn page. Demetrius Haley, and Emmitt Martin...
36-year-old Anthony Lowe was shot and killed by police in the Southern California city of Huntington Park on January 26th.
Jason Lewis has been charged with second degree murder for fatally shooting 13-year-old Karon Blake.
One of the rumors is that Nichols was beaten by former Memphis officer Demetrius Haley because he was sleeping with Haley's ex-girlfriend.
Bessie Coleman, the first Black and Native American female pilot, now has her own Barbie.
Former Baltimore police detective Eric Banks Jr. will spend the next 42 years in prison for killing his 15-year-old step-son Dasan "DJ" Jones.
29-year-old Tyre Nichols died following a traffic stop in Memphis, Tennessee.
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