Miami's Richmond Heights explores the lives of early Black World War II veterans and the rationale of the white developer Captain Frank C. Martin who perpetuated...
Cuban icon and Queen of Salsa Celia Cruz will be the first Afro Latina to appear on a U.S. quarter.
Former officer Demetrius Haley reportedly took photos of Tyre Nichols and sent them to other officers and a female acquaintance.
Jordan Taylor was last heard from on Jan. 6th and reported missing on Jan. 8th.
Former officer Preston Hemphill was fired after a "thorough review" found that he violated "multiple department policies," including "personal conduct" and "truthfulness."
The bodies of Armani Kelly, Dante Wicker, and Montoya Givens were purportedly found under a pile of debris in a vacant Highland Park apartment building, according...
The FBI is seeking the public's help in locating Zailey Unidad Flores, a young woman who has been missing since January.
Tadarrius Bean, 24, was the president of the Omega Psi Phi’s Eta Zeta chapter at the University of Mississippi, according to his LinkedIn page. Demetrius Haley, and Emmitt Martin...
36-year-old Anthony Lowe was shot and killed by police in the Southern California city of Huntington Park on January 26th.
Jason Lewis has been charged with second degree murder for fatally shooting 13-year-old Karon Blake.