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Hands Up Don’t Shoot or An Eye For An Eye?

I can’t help but find myself totally disgusted by how easy it is to make people of color believe that their survival is based on how good they are at being submissive.

DaRuddest Jones



Hands Up Don't Shoot or An Eye For An Eye?

What in the entire hell are you preaching to my people?

How dare you tell my people to be weak and timid. How dare you encourage fear. How dare you encourage submission. No, no, no, f***ing NO!


THIS is in NO way a positive message. This is a reminder that your life does not matter so just go along with it. This is telling brown people to live in silence as well as fear. This video is reinforcing the steady indoctrination of the Black man. And sadly so many Black men are feeding into it. And I discover this from just the conversations I have with the Black men on my Facebook page. The comments they leave scream afraid and unaware. It also screams justification.

I can’t help but find myself totally disgusted by how easy it is to make people of color believe that their survival is based on how good they are at being submissive. How can you truly believe that walking around with your hands up screaming “Don’t Shoot” is going to make an impact on the way we are societally viewed and treated? How can you believe it is a good idea to train our youth to be afraid? All that does is make people look at us and see us as the lower man on the totem pole. It confirms for them that we are indeed beneath them. We have to stop asking for respect and at some point begin to just take it. Because as long as we refuse to relinquish fear we will continue to have young Black girls thrown around classrooms just for being a kid. We will continue to have Black men killed for being a upstanding community member by breaking up a fight. We will continue to have silent and covered up lynchings. We will continue to face double and sometimes triple the jail time as our paler counterparts for the same crime. We will continue to be pulled over and carded while going on a morning jog. We will continue to have our suicidal sons killed right in front of us. And the list goes on.

But this open request for weakness can not be allowed.

No! F***ing NO!!

Fight…. Fight like your life depends on it because it does. They don’t care how composed you are. If they want to kill you they will. And in the event you are violated…. Don’t just suck that shit up. And don’t just allow yourself to be beat. You kick, scratch, spit, bite and anything else. You be respectful only if you see respected. You be submissive and obedient for no one. Especially not when you have done NOTHING wrong. It is like fear has become synonymous with wise. The two are in NO way the same. Wise is teaching your kids how to protect themselves. Wise is learning the law back to front. Wise is knowing your rights. Wise is knowing that you do not have to allow the cops to search your car. Wise is having an exit plan. Wise is knowing how to control a situation.

Can I say I’m wise? No, I really can’t. But what I can say is, I’m not afraid and I REFUSE to be a societal bitch. I will NEVER  teach any brown child these rules of submission. All this is does is teach our people how to say, “Yes Massa”, and I REFUSE to be apart of this mind warp that Amerikkka has implemented for hundreds of years on my people. And it obliterates my heart to know that so many Black men are propaganda victims and do not even see it. They are so okay with being submissive. These are Black men who are raising Black boys to leave in fear. We are suppose to be raising leaders. Not youth who are afraid!

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It breaks my heart to see Black men preaching the “Slave Owners” mission.

I don’t agree with this message AT ALL and I will NOT pretend like I do. We have got to do better Black people. We have got to stop submitting and start fighting. And above all, we must stop living under the thumb of fear!

Pass it on to EVERYONE you know.

Posted by Mt. Olivet Baptist Church – Columbus, OH on Monday, March 2, 2015


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