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Soup The Messenger is contemporary, conscious and thought-provoking

Soup The Messenger is a contemporary, conscious, thought provoking lyricist and is the epitome for what we stand for at Unheard Voices.

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Soup The Messenger : Contemporary, Conscious, Thought-Provoking
Soup The Messenger

This month we would like to introduce Soup The Messenger.

Several years ago Unheard Voices partnered with Reverbnation to find up and coming talent making their way in the music industry.

The goal is to find deserving artists who often go overlooked in an industry that praises mainstream success.

Artists who are not only cultivating their way through a cut throat industry but using their voice to make a difference.

Who is Soup The Messenger?

Hailing from Augusta, Georgia, Marvin Campbell better known in the entertainment world as “Soup The Messenger”, is a lyricist and hip-hop artist. “Soup” as he’s often referred to, says the stage name arose from his nick name, which comes from his last name Campbell; like the Campbell Soup. And “the messenger” part of his name is what attracted me to Soup.

Soup The Messenger brings true emotions and life experiences as he uses his talent to invoke powerful messages about our current climate in society among other issues.

Soup served in the U.S. Coast Guard and while in service, he found himself spending every free second writing lyrics to beats with his headphones.

That’s when he realized he had to follow his passion, and fulfill his destiny to make music.

After an honorable discharge, Soup moved to San Diego, and began pursuing his dream as a hip hop artist.

Soup says the main message he wants to convey in his music is deep emotions, hitting on harsh truths that most people are “afraid to think and talk about”.

His first single was about social justice advocacy

Soup’s first single was a tribute to Trayvon Martin, who was murdered by George Zimmerman in 2012. Soup says it was important to release his first single addressing this difficult subject to reach people to share his message of light with the world.

Soup The Messenger is a contemporary, conscious, and thought provoking lyricist. He is the epitome of Unheard Voices’ mission of curating thought-provoking conversations as everyone has a voice that deserves to be heard.

Soup values the art, the truth, and the freedom music represents. He believes in his gift to touch people’s lives with consciously sound music.


Get to know a little about Soup The Messenger below and check out his music:

UV: When did you fall in love with music?
Soup The Messenger : I was born in love with music! But true inspiration happened when I was about seven years old on a trip to Savannah with my Dad to visit cousins. Dr. Dre released “Chronic” and Snoop Dogg released “Doggystyle” at about the same time. It sounded like timeless hip-hop and I still listen to it today.

UV: How long have you been creating and performing music?
Soup The Messenger: I wrote my first verse at five years old; me and my cousins performed a talent show in front of the family. I’ve continued to write lyrics ever since, but I did not start recording until 2014 and had my first real show in 2016. It has been a long, yet necessary journey practicing and polishing my lyrical craft. It is all about practice! 😊

UV: How would you describe your music and the message you’re trying to convey?
Soup The Messenger: I like to write about true feelings, emotional intelligence: the source of love and hate. Deep emotional secrets of the soul, exposing harsh truth that most people are afraid to think and talk about. When I write about hate and resentment it helps stay away from it, when I write about love, it helps me to spread it easier. Even if I reach only one person with my message, I consider it a success. In short, I would describe my style as contemporary hip-hop, as I like to experiment with different music styles.

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UV: What artists have the greatest musical influences on you and your music?
Soup The Messenger: My musical influences are from different artist for different reasons. I gather inspiration from 2Pac as a revolutionary entertainer and his ability to balance charisma; from Big L for his lyrical ability; from Mos Def for his ability to take political issues and break them down in simple delivery; Eminem for his genius wordsmith wizardry; from The Notorious B.I.G. as a rapper; from Kanye West for his genius, artistic truth; from Pharrell Williams for his game changing ideas; from Kid Cudi for his diversity; from Nas for his consistency; from Ande 3000 for his story telling craft; from J. Cole for the appreciation; from Kendrick Lamar for dedication; from Wu-Tang Clan for the history; just to name a few…

UV: What influences outside of music have helped form your style?
Soup The Messenger: Life itself is the biggest influencer. Grabbing pieces here and there thought the journey, holding on and letting go of tools necessary for survival and progression. I get inspiration from the two-year child fighting leukemia, the single mother that teaches her children by leading by example, or the homeless man that gives his last to a man in need. Everyone has something to offer.

My wish is for people to belief that everyone has a voice and deserves to share it with the world, opposed to being afraid to speak up.

UV: How have you been able to tap into the California music scene?
Soup The Messenger: Growing up in Georgia created my musical platform and now living in California has allowed me to progress and diversify. I’m still on a learning journey. California has introduced me to new music styles and allowed me to open my mind to new possibilities. I’m currently working with a local rock band “Ready Set Survive” on the single ‘Fight’ that will introduce a unique combination of rock and hip-hop.

soup the messenger

Source : Facebook

UV: You did a song as a tribute to Trayvon Martin. How important is it to you as an artist to release socially conscious messages in the climate we are living in today?
Soup The Messenger: It means everything! It was a conscious decision to release my first single as one of the first, if not the first unheard voices addressing this difficult subject at a time that everyone needs it the most. I’ve seen the opportunity to reach not only the youth, but everyone listening. We can’t change the world unless we change ourselves. Right? So, my wish is for people to belief that everyone has a voice and deserves to share it with the world, opposed to being afraid to speak up.

UV: What is the hardest challenge you have encountered with building your fan base?
Soup The Messenger: As a conscious artist it is harder to reach fans, as social media, radio, television, and the corporate agenda suggests more catchy, non-thought provoking music. I’m finding more success with directly approaching fans face to face and in more intimate affairs.

UV: How important and/or how difficult is it to support your career with your own funding?
Soup The Messenger: If you don’t invest in yourself, you can’t expect someone else to invest in you! Of course it is difficult, but so is life! I believe that hard, smart work, and dedication making will lead to opening the right doors.

UV: To date, what has been your best performance? When was it, where was it and why is it your best performance?
Soup The Messenger: I have not had a lot of shows to date, but the best, memorable performance was my second show at Kava Lounge in San Diego. It was an intimate environment that allowed me to have face to face interaction with fans and tap into genuine one on one feedback.

soup the messenger

Source: Facebook

UV:Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
Soup The Messenger: My goal is to be a value added individual to society, an asset, opposed to being a burden. In five years, I see myself being a successful established artist making differences for those in need. I see myself being the messenger of truth, hope, inspiration and motivation. Big differences can be made by true leadership with young kids, kids from the struggling inner city, to the kids in gated communities with all the potential in the world. Money is not everything, the word of encouragement and education can make a bigger difference and lead to the light from the darkness.

UV: What` current projects do you have out or forthcoming projects in progress?
Soup The Messenger: I’m currently working on an album. The objective for the album is to give a creative twist on difficult matters and situations we all have to endure as humans regardless of age, creed, or ethnic background. The album will be entitled, “Blessings Never Spoken Upon”. There are a couple mixtapes, short films, and collaborations also currently in the works.

UV: In closing, I would like you to leave the Unheard Voices readers words of encouragement and inspiration, especially for those pursuing a career in music and entertainment.
Soup The Messenger: First of all, I want to stress the importance of artist development. My advice would be – know your strengths and weaknesses and believe in yourself. Be sure to set high, but realistic goals and follow through with an action plan to achieve those goals. Remember: “Team work makes the dream work”. Develop and keep a strong team behind you. Lastly, be mindful – It takes more than talent!

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Chenelle Covin is an award-winning social entrepreneur and communications professional cultivating her path in media and tech.



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