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Asbury Park Middle School Submission : I TRIED!

Here is a submission by an Asbury Park middle school student. I submitted a Godzilla outline not only to Legendary Pictures but also Toho.

David Wronko



Asbury Park Middle School Submission : I TRIED!
Artwork done by Xavier Berardesco

99BOBLike the title states, I tried!

I submitted a Godzilla outline not only to Legendary Pictures but also Toho. I took the time to write this outline with the hope I would be discovered.

However, I was not successful in having this made into a movie. Instead you have Godzilla 2014 along with Godzilla Resurgence.

Below is the outline I wanted to share. Enjoy.

Asbury Park Middle School Submission : I TRIED!

Artwork done by Xavier Berardesco.

Leviathan Outline

 This outline provides ideas to a Godzilla story that has never been done before. In addition, this outline also gives ideas that pay homage to the first two Godzilla films, Gojira (A.k.a. Godzilla) and Gojira no gyakushû (Godzilla raids again)

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  1. A U.S. cargo/trading ship has mysteriously vanished in the Pacific Ocean. Due to massive storms in the area, the disappearance of the ship is considered to be a tragic loss but nothing out of the ordinary.
  2. A few days later a U.S. navy ship records a mysterious audio signal on their hydrophone array. The audio signal has an ultra-low frequency similar to that of a life form, but it cannot be identified. The navy names this frequency “Bloop.”
  3. Several days later, a Japanese cargo/trading ship heading for Los Angles vanishes in the Pacific. The Japanese government reaches out to the United States for assistance and support in identifying the cause. Once again, it appears that massive storms in the Pacific are to blame.
  4. A U.S. naval ship is the next to fall victim to the violence of the Pacific. Debris/wreckage from the ship is recovered, including surveillance equipment with audio and video media. An investigation is conducted in which the U.S. Government discovers that it was not weather that brought this ship down, but an unidentified life-form of superior size. The details of the creature could not be determined from the media recovered. The U.S. Government informs the Japanese government of what transpired and both countries decide to work together to determine what exactly exists in the Pacific.
  5. During the investigation conducted by U.S. officials, the audio signal labeled “Bloop” is brought to their attention. Further analysis is then conducted on this audio signal to try and determine the size of the creature that could have produced such a call. Based on where the signal was recorded, the U.S. Government determines the radius of the possible area in which the creature that produced this call could have resided at the time.   The area determined consists of a radius spanning 1100 miles, with its center between Hawaii and the Micronesia islands, specifically Bikini Atoll. It is then discovered that within this same area in the Pacific the weather has been extremely unstable over the past few months; the trading ships that have gone missing were last seen in this same area; and where the U.S. naval ship was destroyed by an unidentified life-form was 600 miles south west off of Hawaii, in this same area.   The conclusion that is drawn is that the “Bloop” is most likely the call of the unidentified life form revealed in the audio and video media recovered by the U.S. Government.
  6. A member of the investigation team leaks information out to the public regarding the possible existence of a monstrous creature that is bringing down sea vessels in the Pacific Ocean. They also leak out the audio signal identified as “Bloop.” Word spreads throughout the world via the Internet.
  7. Once the public gets word, false witness accounts regarding the creature begin to surface in news publications and on the Internet. Doctored photographs begin to appear as well. Many beach communities along the Hawian and other Pacific island coasts start advertising false sightings in the hopes of generating tourism. Sightings are reported as far away as Japan and California.
  8. The publicity that has fallen upon the investigation causes interference. In order to keep control over the situation the U.S. Government organizes a small team to investigate each and every witness account that turns up in regards to the creature.
  9. One witness account that comes to the attention of the team is that placed by a group of respected doctors who claimed that they barely escaped an attack during a fishing trip 100 miles off the coast of Honolulu.   What makes their story believable is that the area in which the fishing trip took place was within the radius of the area in which the creature is possibly located. The doctors claim that they saw the creature and they can give details in regards to its appearance. Based on the description given, the creature resembles that of an Elasmosaurus.
  10. The account given by the doctors is taken as evidence, and both the U.S. and Japanese officials adopt the image of the creature that was described.
  11. Once again, information from the investigation is leaked to the public.   The account given by the doctors, along with the image they described, finds its way to the Internet. Organizations ranging from news and tv entertainment crews to self-proclaimed biologists, to thrill seekers begin to appear in coastal communities in the Pacific as well as on charted boats out within the radius of where the creature appeared.


  1. A group of self-proclaimed monster hunters, consisting of overzealous fishermen, decide to go out on a hunting expedition outside of Hawaii with their ultimate goal being to bring back the “Elasmosaurus” of the Pacific deep.   They film themselves discussing their plan on how they will catch and possibly kill this creature.
  2. With liquor in tow, the “monster hunters” decide to conduct their expedition both intoxicated as well as at dusk. They go off into the Pacific with no intention of stopping until they get to what they deem as the center of the action; 600 miles out to sea. By 3 AM, they decide to drop anchor and catch some shut-eye. As they get ready to settle in for the night, the boat starts to rock more than usual.   The waves all around the boat begin to increase in size, causing the boat to go up and down uncontrollably. The men begin to panic. They turn the spotlights on to try to get a feel for what is happening.   In the blackness of the night, and the cloud cover that has gathered over head, they can only see 5 feet out from the boat.   As one man tries to lift anchor, a wave comes and knocks him overboard.   The rest of the men race to try and get to him before he is drawn further out where they won’t be able to see him.   The wind stars to increase and lightening begins to crack within the sky.   The violence of the ocean increases. As the men begin to pull their friend back onto the boat, a wave of significant size comes and capsizes the vessel. The men are now in the darkness of the ocean screaming.   The only light that exists comes from the lightning overhead and the spotlights on the capsized boat shining into the depths of the black ocean below. It is then that the creature appears. It rises up and out of the water.   It is not an Elasmosaurs. This creature has arms and a large mouth. As the lightning flashes behind it, the men, screaming in terror realize that their lives are going to end.
  3. The US coast guard receives a report of a fishing vessel sending out an SOS last night around 3:45 AM, that the ship was in distress due to weather and a member of the crew was thrown overboard.   The coast guard goes out to investigate.   On the way out to the coordinates given, the coast guard comes across debris floating in the water.   A horn is blown and an announcement is made that a man has been spotted clinging to a board about a 100 yards ahead.   Upon reaching the man, something does not appear right. The coast guard call to him but he does not respond. A raft is sent out to meet with the floating man. Once upon him, the crew of the raft realize that all that is left of the man is his upper torso. The man is dead and the lower half of his body is gone. After 5 hours, the rescue mission is changed to a search and recovery mission.   All that is recovered by the end of the day, out of 10 men, are the torso of one unidentified man and the head of another. No other human remains are found. Supplies from the vessel are found floating, including a beer filled cooler. U.S. officials in charge of the creature investigation are notified of this incident along with the local authorities, the families of the victims, and the rest of the world via the Internet.
  4. Edward Cope, a world renown paleontologist, has been following the story of the “Pacific Monster” since it was first leaked out onto the Internet. He followed the story at first out of pure amusement.   But as time has gone on with the number of ships disappearing and the number of lives being lost, along with the Bloop signal, Dr. Cope’s fascination has gone from amusement to real scientific interest. As a result, he begins to conduct his own investigation. Reading the account of the doctors on the fishing trip, comparing it with information reported regarding the ships that have disappeared and the tragic accident of the fishermen who recently died, plus the information reported on the “Bloop” Dr. Cope disagrees that the creature being investigated is a “Elasmosaurus.” As a matter of fact, the information given does not line up with the characteristics of any prehistoric creature known thus far to man. Dr. Cope proceeds to go on several website blogs to reveal his findings in the hopes that if there is a real investigation underway, someone will notice his contribution.
  5. The team officially assigned to follow up with witness accounts, to debunk the false ones and follow through on the real ones, come across Dr. Cope’s input on the Internet.   They proceed to follow through by contacting him directly. Upon further discussions with Dr. Cope, the account offered up by the doctors in regards to the physical description of the creature is reinvestigated. Upon further inquiry with the doctors, and after further pressure being applied, the doctors admit that they could not see what attacked their boat because it remained under water during the attack. Dr. Cope is asked if he would like to join the official investigation team, which consists of other scientists including marine biologists, oceanographers, signal analysts, meteorologists and the like. Dr. Cope agrees to participate.
  6. The Japanese pick up a strange, large disturbance that appears to be traveling at a low speed in the direction of the Fiji islands. It is determined that it is not a marine vessel and may be biological in nature. The U.S. Government takes the appropriate steps to have two platoons stationed on the island, armed and ready if need be, in the hopes of identifying what could possibly be the “Bloop.” Dr. Cope requests to go along on this mission.   He is granted permission.
  7. Once on Fiji island, based on conversations with other scientific team members, Dr. Cope continues his work in trying to determine that if this is in fact a creature, what kind of creature could it possibly be.


  1. For five days, the Japanese continue to monitor the disturbance while the platoons remain ready on Fiji. On the sixth day, the Japanese loose the signal. The disturbance has disappeared. A notice is sent out to the U.S. Government, who decide to remove the Platoons from Fiji within the next two days.
  2. As the sun begins to set in the west, Dr. Cope heads down to the beach to take a break from his work. As he approaches the beach, he stops to talk with several of the platoon members. Afterwards, he sits down and gazes out into the ocean. After day-dreaming for about an hour or so, a low vibration is felt through the ground. It’s intensity begins to rise as the minutes pass. Something about the situation tells Dr. Cope that this is not normal. Just as he realizes this, several of the platoon members scream to Dr. Cope to get off the beach and back to the shelter.   A siren then goes off.   As Dr. Cope runs up the beach, one of the soldiers screams out “Oh My God…it’s a Tsunami!” Dr. Cope turns around to see a giant wave possibly 15 miles out in the distance.   He notices that the water level at the beach has not changed…the water did not pull out.   He looks again at the size and blackness of the wave approaching.   “That’s not a Tsunami! Listen to me…that’s not a Tsunami!   It’s something else!” Dr. Cope tries to bring the strangeness of what is approaching to the attention of the platoon commander, but to no avail.   He is ordered to leave the area. As he runs off the beach, two soldiers pull up in a jeep and motion for Dr. Cope to jump in. He does so and they drive off to the command shelter at top speed. The rest of the platoon evacuates the beach anticipating the arrival of a Tsunami.
  3. As the wave approaches Fiji, it becomes obvious that it is not a normal wave of water. It appears to speed up and slow down only to speed up again as it gets closer, behavior that a wave does not exhibit. The blackness of the wave stands out from the rest of the ocean. The Platoon commander begins to realize what Dr. Cope was screaming.   He orders the troops to man their weapons and to take position. The wave then picks up speed and comes roaring into the island.   From the wave springs out this creature of massive size and strength, which lands on the beach with the Tsunami like wave crashing behind at first, and then roaring up on the land…two major forces of nature to be dealt with, one known the other unknown.   Gun fire and explosions erupt; bodies and equipment fly through the air.
  4. Driving away from the beach at top speed, a loud explosion is heard that vibrates through the ground…tossing the jeep that Dr. Cope is in off the side of the road. Dr. Cope and the two soldiers get out of the jeep. Dr. Cope instructs the soldiers to run back to the command shelter and tells them that he won’t be far behind.   They refuse at first until they hear what could only be described as a deafening roar coming from the beach. Dr. Cope insists that they leave, and they do.   Dr. Cope runs back to the beach.   As he approaches he finds himself getting lower and lower to the ground without thought, until he is crawling. When he gets to the battle scene he can’t believe his eyes. Looking in total disbelief he realizes that the creature is huge in size with a monstrous head. There were no flippers on this creature however it had very large claws, gigantic feet and a huge tail. On the back of the creature were gigantic dorsal plates. It appeared prehistoric in nature, but it wasn’t a dinosaur as Dr. Cope would define a dinosaur.   “What the heck is this creature!” he thought.
  5. The creature was picking up the soldiers that were dragged back by the wave and breaking their bodies as if they were nothing. The fire power imposed upon the creature had no effect. Dr. Cope noticed how the clouds in the sky were gathering around and how lightening had begun to flash. At that moment, the creature’s dorsal plates lit up and the lighting struck them and flashed around them. The creature then opened its mouth and an intense beam in both heat and light came out. Dr. Cope could not believe what he was seeing.   The men and women on the beach ran for their lives. The creature continued the slaughter.   All was then silent. Dr. Cope did not move.   He did not blink, nor did he breathe. The creature literally sprung back into the ocean from where it came.
  6. There were no survivors from the Platoon assigned to the beach, with the exception of the two men who escorted Dr. Cope into the jeep.   Dr. Cope was found sitting along the beach access road with his head resting on his knees.   He was picked up and brought back to the command shelter, where he immediately proceeded to brief the commander on what he witnessed. The U.S. Government was formally briefed on the outcome of this mission. An investigation team and military clean-up crew were sent to Fiji to examine the battle scene and bodies for any sort of evidence that would educate them on the creature they just faced.


  1. The U.S. Government puts out a warning to all sea baring vessels to avoid the Pacific area between the Micronesia islands, the Fiji Islands and the Hawaiian Islands due to abnormal weather patterns and ocean behavior until further notice. The island of Fiji is cordoned off by the military.
  2. During the investigation, what appears to be skin samples from the creature are found on the beach.   The bodies of those burnt by the creatures “beam” are brought in for study to try to find out more information regarding it. Those bodies that had trauma inflected due to the creature’s mouth were also brought in for further investigation in the hopes of recovering biological samples from the monster.


  1. Unexpectedly, the investigation is brought to an immediate halt, due to radioactive materials being registered in the battle space.   This was strange being that no nuclear based weapons were used.   The beach was cleared, and all personal were brought in for official cleansing and treatment for radioactive exposure.   The investigation then continues, with investigators taking readings of radioactivity. It is determined that the creature’s skin samples have low traces of radioactivity, however, the human remains that were hit by the creatures beam have high doses.
  2. A military briefing is conducted to reveal the results of the beach investigation thus far.   The human remains that were blasted by the creature’s beam contained traces of cesium-137, an indication of nuclear activity. Based on the input given by Dr. Cope, the creature is described as follows: It is estimated to be between 200 to 220 feet tall, with a tail stretching about 200 feet. It stands erect on two legs, it has arms and claw like hands and feet. Its head and lower body resemble that of a Tyrannosaurus, it contains bone colored dorsal fins running down its back that are reminiscent of a Stegosaurus, the neck and forearms resemble that of an Iguanodon and the skin texture is very much like that of a crocodile. It is incredibly agile for a creature of its size, incredibly strong and practically impervious to force. It is capable of generating a nuclear based beam internally and firing it out of its mouth. The creature is aggressive. It is unknown as to what provokes its hostility. Upon the end of his segment, Dr. Cope refers to the creature as the biblical Leviathan.
  3. Once the briefing is over, Dr. Cope is given permission to leave Fiji and to go back to the main land of the U.S. On the flight home, he continues to contemplate how such a creature could have come to be. Then it comes to mind; the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And then there was Bikini Atoll, the Pacific Proving Grounds, it was the site of more than 20 nuclear weapons tests between 1946 and 1958. Could the nuclear fall-out of such events and testing somehow caused a mutation of such magnitude? In addition to what caused it, why is it so aggressive?   What is causing it to attack?
  4. The U.S. Investigation Team discovers another phenomenon that is taking place in Hawaii, off the California coast line and on the beaches of Japan.   Different species of whales have been beaching themselves for no apparent reason. Dead dolphins are also being found in several locations.   The team decides to investigate further to see if there is any correlation between these events and the creature.
  5. S. naval ships in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean pick up on their hydrophone array an unusual audio signal. After further investigation, and comparison with other Navy reports, it is of the same frequency and character as that of the “Bloop.” The U.S. Leviathan Investigation Team is notified.
  6. Back on the U.S. main land, a top secret briefing is held.   U.S. Government officials and military heads gather to hear the result briefing of the U.S. Leviathan Investigation Team (LIT), a name that the team has started to be known by.   Dr. Cope is asked to be present as well. The briefing reiterates all the points and witness accounts Dr. Cope attested to. In addition, the results of the scientific analysis conducted on the specimens obtained from the beach are also revealed.

The bottom line is not only is this creature a producer of nuclear, radioactive energy and byproducts, based upon the analysis conducted on the tissue, blood and saliva samples it left behind, the findings are that this creature has the ability to regenerate itself at a fast rate, and its age cannot be determined. Where it lies within the DNA family tree is still unknown. Based upon its nuclear/radioactive nature, the military agrees to devise a way in which to hone in and track this creature so as to follow its movements in the Pacific, to study its behavior and to prevent it from causing anymore catastrophes. During this meeting, it was revealed that a similar “Bloop” signal was detected in the South western part of the Atlantic Ocean, 300 miles off the coast of Brazil.   The possibility of more than one of these creatures existing needs to be planned for.

  1. With the specially devised radioactivity tracking equipment, LIT along with the help of the military put the technology to use to track the creature’s movements and to follow the beast to see where it resides/nests, how it lives and what drives it. They track it and get close enough under the ocean to observe it. The creature seems to go about its way, undisturbed by things.
  2. While the LIT tracks and observes the creature, the investigative team on land discovers a relationship between certain facts within the past few months. Sea life has been winding up on shore dead; the newly discovered creature (during this same time period) has been taking down ships in the same area; navy sonar tests have been taking place during this same time; one navy ship conducting these tests was destroyed; and it is known that these tests cause the deaths of sea life that have appeared on shore. The land-based team concludes that perhaps it is these sonar tests that are causing the creature to react in the manner in which it is. If known sea life are beaching themselves, maybe this creature is acting out in the same manner. Based on these findings, the land-based team gives a strong recommendation to the military/navy to halt all sonar testing in the Pacific and Atlantic. The military/navy agree.
  3. The LIT follows the creature for weeks under the ocean. The creature has not shown any violent tendencies and has not surfaced for awhile. Then, one day, without any explanation, the creature dives deeper under the ocean, going down to a lower depth. As a result, due to ocean pressure, the LIT cannot follow the creature down, but they can continue to track the creature via the radioactive detection equipment.
  4. The LIT reveal to the Military/Navy that they can no longer observe the creature in the manner in which they did before via the sea/submarine craft.   The military/navy then reveal that they have a new craft that has been in the works that can go further down within the ocean and that final testing was wrapping up. They offer it up to the LIT, along with the knowledge that the testing that needs to be done to insure true safety would take time and if the team needs it sooner, there would be a lot of risk involved. Knowing this, LIT decides to take the chance and to use the experimental craft in order to follow the creature further down. Permission is given, and craft is released to the team.
  5. The next scene shows the LIT attempting to use the new craft. Everything goes fine until they start taking it down deeper into the ocean. There are moments of high tension as the team wonders if the ship will hold, however, even though the sounds that ship is putting out are loud and scary, it appears that the team is going to be ok. They begin to track and hone in on the creature once again. Once they find it, they begin their observations and start following it.   They follow the creature in the dark ocean waters and into a large underwater cavern never explored by mankind before due to the depth of the cavern. They continue to follow the creature through the cavern. Their focus remains on the creature until the sensors pick up something strange. After going along the cavern for some time, the cavern opens up and becomes extremely vast to the point where the ceiling and the floor of it can no longer be seen or sensed. As the team goes even further, and upon further investigation via a visual given by the cameras on the vessel, the LIT see the remains of what appears to be a vast city beneath them. The team is stunned. Due to the depth of the city, and the limits in which they are already pushing the vessel, they decide to capture video of it from above and not to go too close. While circling the city in awe, the team notices something that they don’t quite understand, the sensors on the vessel are indicating that the city appears to have a dome over it, however upon looking at the video there is no dome. They continue to circle the city capturing sensor input and video as they go. Then, without warning, the creature that they were tracking quickly swims by the vessel at an extreme speed, causing the vessel to be pushed around and sent into an unstable position. Panic strikes the team aboard as the sound of alarms fill the inner chamber of the ship. Due to nothing more than luck, the team manages to regain control of the vessel and themselves, and they decide to leave the cavern.
  6. Upon leaving the cavern, as the ceiling, floors and walls drawn in, the team makes another discovery. Embedded within the walls of the cavern are what appear to be the skeletal remains of other creatures just like the one they have been tracking. Upon this discovery, the team then requests that imagery be recorded and samples of the remains taken back to the surface. High tension moments arise once more when the LIT attempt at using the mechanical arms and tools of the vessel which lie outside the craft.   The depth of the ocean starts to have an effect on the tools and vessels, but the team carries on and manages to get a sample. Once the sample is acquired, they leave the cavern and head back to the surface.
  7. Back at the surface, the team studies the remains (bones) they were able to gather along with the video and sensor input that they captured of the city they came upon. After conducting further analysis on the data they received, and doing image enhancement on the video itself, the team takes notice of the following:
  • The city that was beneath them appeared as if hardly any decay had taken place
  • It appeared as if there was no evidence of water down at the depth of where the city resides
  • There was an ambient glow coming up from the city, which is why they could capture visuals of it
  • Sensor readings indicated that there was a dome over the entire city. However, the visual data did not show a dome.
  1. The team then turned their attention away from the city to the data and samples they captured along the cavern walls on the way back.   When revisiting the video that was captured they noticed something that they missed while down in the cavern, due to all the excitement. There appeared to be the remains of egg shells; egg shells of all different sizes along with skeletal remains of all different sizes. The one thing that these remains had in common was that they all resembled the creature that they were tracking.
  2. Once the analysis was completed, the LIT presented their findings to the military:
  • There is an underwater city beneath the ocean.
  • No one has any record of such a city being built.
  • The city appears to be in good condition and intact.
  • The city appears to be modern in nature.
  • There is an invisible dome around the city that is strong enough to hold off the immense pressure of the ocean and to protect it.
  • There must be an energy source that is still active within the city that is fueling the dome. It is uncertain as to what this energy source is.
  • It is uncertain as to how to enter the city.
  • It is uncertain as to what the conditions are within the dome and if the environment can support human life.
  • The area around the city appears to be the breeding ground for this “new” species that we have been tracking. The term “new” is used because this species is new to us. Judging from the remains found along the walls of the cavern however, and how deeply embedded the remains are, this species might be older than the human race itself.
  • We are making the assumption that the city was there before the creature. It also appears that the creature is attracted to the city for some reason unknown to us.

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