W.T. Stevens Construction has been awarded a multi-million dollar service contract to replace more than 18,000 lead contaminated pipes in Flint.
Comedienne, actress, and SNL funny woman will be hosting the 2017 BET Awards.
Former NFL safety and FSU star Myron Rolle announced Saturday he graduated from Florida State University College of Medicine.
15-year-old Bresha Meadows has been incarcerated for an aggravated murder charge for defending herself against the unrelenting abuse of her father.
Former Balch Springs, TX police officer Roy Oliver, has been charged with murder in the fatal shooting of 15-year-old Jordan Edwards.
The Balch Springs Police Department announced that the officer who fired into a moving vehicle killing 15-year-old Jordan Edwards has been fired.
In a federal plea deal, Michael Slager has plead guilty, admitting to using excessive in the fatal shooting of Walter Scott.
The Justice Department will not charge the two officers involved in the fatal shooting of Alton Sterling, reports The New York Times.
The police chief has now said new evidence in the police shooting of Jordan Edwards shows the shooting did not unfold the way police originally claimed.
15-year-old Jordan Edwards was and shot and killed by a Balch Springs, TX police officer.