Patrick Ian Polk, the creator of the critically acclaimed LOGO TV series Noah's Arc, presents his newest film that every young gay woman and man should...
Missouri football star, Michael Sam, made history today as being the first Division I collegiate football player to come out as openly gay.
The murder trial for Michael Dunn, who is accused of fatally shooting Jordan Davis, will begin today.
Officer Randall Kerrick who fired a fatal shot at Jonathan Ferrell as he attempted to get help after being in a car accident, will finally be...
A 16-yr-old African American boy was sexually assaulted by a police officer during a “stop and frisk” pat-down.
Phoenix Coldon was last seen on December 18th, 2011.
Avonte's parents worst fear has come true as the medical examiner has confirmed remains found in a body of water in Queens, NY is that of...
Police divers are searching the East River Saturday for more remains, as the medical examiner tries to determine whether body parts found near the river are...
Authorities in Queens are investigating human remains found next to the East River, WABC-TV reports.
Marissa Alexander will be able to continue on house arrest and remain with her family and children until the trial starts on March 31st.