January 15, 2013 was a pleasant day at the Asbury Park Middle School. This was a day where faculty and staff paid homage to the legendary...
"Bittersweet" is what Kyla described her feelings about her new title
Unheard Voices would like to congratulate Tymean Watkins and Taj Jones standing with Director Theodore Drakeford of the Adam Bucky James Center after graduating from Unheard...
Meet Cameron Clarke. Clarke, a senior at Germantown Academy in Philadelphia, scored a perfect score on the SAT’s.
Unfortunately youth can be distracted, and influenced, by what’s called, “wrong thinking propaganda.”
Student? Recent Graduate? Or looking for a new career path? Then interning for Unheard Voices might be the place for you.
The historically black university that received public scrutiny over a hazing incident, insists they are not responsible for the hazing death of Robert Champion.
Morris Brown College, a historically black college established in 1881 by the African Methodist Episcopal Church, is facing foreclosure.
July 26, 2012 was a wonderful day in the Asbury Park School District because at the Thurgood Marshall Elementary School many young authors produced their own...
According to TMZ,the two-time gold medalist is being recruited by one of the most prestigious black college's in the country