This year New York Jets wide receiver, Braylon Edwards will be sending a 100 Cleavland High School student to college.
Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are institutions of higher education in the United States that were established before 1964 with the intention of serving the...
The Tea Party of Tennessee wants to remove incidents of slavery and genocide from American textbooks for fear they would besmirch the image of the Founding...
Facebook Donates $100 Million To Newark Public Schools
Are you thinking about going to Law School but want a diversified setting? Here are America's best law schools in 2010.
After child support and the squandered millions, Kenny Anderson was the one who registered for college. And he never quit.
For the first time as president, Barack Obama delivered a commencement address to a historically black college, Hampton University.
Thousands of high school students across New Jersey walked out of classrooms to protest Gov. Christie's education budget cut.
2010 America's Best Historically Black Colleges and Universities