From the team behind the award-winning series “Brick City,” they bring Jersey Strong, a Newark based docu-series chronicling the lives of two families from parallel universes...
It’s been 19 years since Arsenio Hall dominated late night talk. The beloved actor and comedian is back like he never left.
For Colored Boys, will have you on an emotional roller coaster; Leave you in awe. And we're only talking about the first episode. The season just...
Though he cashed a check and remained around does not mean what BET did was accepted
Well.... My name is DaRuddest Jones. A poetic girl from the Bronx who has absolutely no chill button!
Unheard Voices first ever talent showcase will take place October 5th at the Adam Bucky James Community Center in Long Branch, NJ.
Asbury Park is a 3-part digital series which was filmed in Asbury Park, NJ.
Before, American Greed, L-Duly released 5 mixtapes: Narcotics in the Hood (1,2,and 3), Failure's Not a Option, and Tango and Cash. He has appeared on WORLDSTARHIPHOP...
Hailing from New Brunswick, NJ and performing for 8 years with influences by Tupac, Biggie, Jay-Z, Nas, T.I., and Young Jeezy; Meez Da Prince has hit...
The night was filled with joy, laughter, and most importantly love when Cissy Houston graced the Jersey Shore with her presence to talk about her New...