Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man of character and dignity who had a dream that one day we would all be equal. He is...
There is something to be said about authenticity and Ralph Gatta had it. Gatta, whose family’s business, Johnny’s Jazz Market, was a staple in the Red...
The Tri-State area has seen record highs in temperature over the past couple of days
In New Jersey, school board members who have past criminal records may have to resign since a new legislation was passed that requires all to undergo...
Although we have come a long way for fighting for equal rights for all, we are still fighting on the home front to save our communities...
I can't tell you about the countless times in my own city I have witnessed the "stop and frisk" searches by just walking down the street....
Why should you vote? Not because someone told you to do so. If you care about your future, you want to exercise your right for change.
JeRean Blake was shot to death outside a party store, after leaving his high school where he was preparing to graduate. According to the Detroit Crime...
Unheard Voices explores how much has attitudes on race have changed in America since the civil rights movement
If you haven't heard the show already, here is the re-post of Late Night with Chenelle Covin which aired last Saturday.