A new trial date has been set for the second-degree murder trial for George Zimmerman.
On Wednesday, Oct. 10th 2012, a federal appellate denied New York City’s request to repeal a lawsuit challenging racial profiling in the city’s controversial stop-and-frisk policy.
As Jay-Z was celebrating the opening of the Barclay Center, an arena that many believe will bring about jobs into its community, protesters were expressing a...
To lynch a black man in the south by angry white mobs was a common occurrence before the civil rights act of 1964 that outlawed major...
Recently released forensic tests show George Zimmerman's DNA was the only DNA identified on the grip of the gun. The test results were in the latest...
A hospital in the Los Angeles area is investigating in what appears to be a racist display directed towards African-Americans employees who work in the hospital's...
Two white Atlanta police officers who pulled over and questioned entertainment mogul Tyler Perry have been exonerated of racial profiling by an internal investigation, according to...
The historically black university that received public scrutiny over a hazing incident, insists they are not responsible for the hazing death of Robert Champion.
After an appeal, Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester, Jr. will be removed from the second-degree murder trial of George Zimmerman.
The memorial for Mingo Jack will be unveiled on Sept. 23 at Wampum Memorial Park on West Street in Eatontown.