The Univ. of Cincinnati police has terminated off campus patrol in light of the recent fatal shooting of Samuel Dubose
Christian Taylor was fatally shot by police in what family and the community are calling unjust.
Zachary Hammond was an unarmed white teenager killed by Seneca, South Carolina police. It was all over for about $50 of weed.
The trial begins for the officer who killed Jonathan Ferrell
Ice Cube & the Straight Outta Compton Cast dropped by Ebro in the Morning to talk about the upcoming movie and police brutality
The family of Sandra Bland will be filing a federal lawsuit due to lack of answers from authorities
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation is donating $4.7 million to two coalitions to support young men and boy of color.
Police officer Ray Tensing has been charged with murder in the fatal shooting of Samuel Dubose.
This afternoon Texas authorities have released more footage of Sandra Bland while she was in police custody
Ralkina Jones died at the Cleveland Heights Jail after being arrested for getting into an argument with her ex-husband.