Nas has made history at Harvard University
James Blake was once the fourth highest tennis player in the world, and today after a public confrontation with NYPD, he is being bringing necessary but...
A disturbing video has gone viral showing at least nine Stockon, CA police officers slamming a teenager on the concrete for simply jaywalking.
University Boulevard will be renamed to Sandra Bland Parkway
According to a social study, almost nearly half of American's hate their police department.
25 year old, Jasmine Twitty of Easley, South Carolina becomes the youngest person to be sworn in as a judge.
A mistrial has been declared in the manslaughter case of Officer Randall Kerrick, who fatally shot college football player Jonathan Ferrell.
No Rights Reserved is a narrative web series that examines the relationship between coordinated acts of violence and the use of social media as well as...
A grand jury has decided not to charge the officers who fatally shot Jerame Reid
Julian Bond , civil rights activist and longtime board chairman of the NAACP, has passed away. He was 75.