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Project Ghana

Remote learning with Ghana/Reflecting on Classroom Close-Up

When my school went on an extended leave because of the coronavirus, remote learning at the time was the only option to continue the school year.

David Wronko



Remote Learning With Ghana/Reflecting On Classroom Close-Up

When my students and myself went on an extended leave because of the coronavirus, remote learning at the time was the only option to continue the school year.

What made remote learning during this tough time rewarding was the fact that Oiada International provided students with special Ghana sessions.

During these remote sessions, my students were able to view Ghana’s presentations on how the movie The Black Panther could relate to the history and geography of Ghana and Africa.

In addition, my students were engaged in presentations on the history, culture, inventions with their inventors, new technology and geography relating to Ghana and other countries in Africa.

Also, I was not aware that scenes from the Game of Thrones were filmed in Africa. These sessions made remote learning more rewarding and more positive in a time where it just seemed that the world stopped. 

Besides the remote Ghana sessions, during this time away from the world and staying in quarantine I reflected back to my experience filming Project Ghana for Classroom Close-up.

I reflected on how I was able to work with the students in Ghana and the students at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School to create an awesome segment. Bringing together History, Science, Math, Music, guests, and magazines, such as Unheard Voices and Prehistoric Times Magazine, for this Ghana session was incredible. 

Below: Images from the Ghana Remote Sessions and the video from Classroom Close-up. 

Classroom Close-up



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Project Ghana


Joining Project Ghana for a session was Martin Luther King Jr.’s personal counsel and friend Dr. Clarence B. Jones.

David Wronko



Dr. Clarence B. Jones Ghana session

Joining Project Ghana for a session was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s personal counsel and friend Dr. Clarence B. Jones.

When I began Project Ghana back in 2015, I wanted to bring everything to video conferencing with my students and the students in Ghana. For instance, during these video conferences students shared educational lessons, culture, hobbies, history, and guests. Project Ghana gained a lot of popularity when many sessions were posted on Oiada International website and Unheard and Jersey Voices Magazine.  Because of this, Project Ghana was picked over thousands of entries to be put on the educational television show Classroom Close-up. When that happened, I thought Project Ghana would not be able to go any higher. However, on April 12, 2022, Project Ghana had no limits.

Joining Project Ghana for a session was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s personal counsel and friend Dr. Clarence B. Jones. What made this session so amazing was that Clarence B. Jones was on Classroom Close-up. This session brought two shows of Classroom Close-up together.

Dr. Clarence B. Jones at the Commemoration_of_the_50th_Anniversary_of_the__I_Have_a_Dream__speech

Photo By U.S. Mission Geneva / Eric Bridiers

Joining this session was Eric Jones, CEO of Oiada International, Oiada’s Student Ambassadors, Papa Williams (head teacher for the Solid Rock Foundation School in Ghana), VFW Veterans Wilbur V. Martin, served in Vietnam, and Veronica Miller, served in Desert Storm and the War in Iraq, Keith and Chenelle Covin of Unheard Voices Magazine, and Mr. David Wronko’s Asbury Park High School Students, Amy Contreras-Contreras, Sarayia Gadson, Ceahni Piper, Jaded Velasquez, and Sha’Niyah Williams.

This session began with Eric Jones and David Wronko welcoming Dr. Clarence B. Jones. Dr. Jones was honored to participate. From there the Oiada Student Ambassadors gave an amazing presentation about the continent of Africa, Ghana’s history, culture, sports, geography, politics, and various food dishes. Dr. Jones expressed how wonderful and colorful the presentation was and shared how he would like to travel to Ghana. He also brought about how Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife went to Ghana to celebrate a ceremony for Ghana’s independence which helped to widen Dr. King’s cause for civil rights in the United States.

After Oiada Student Ambassadors presentation, Dr. Jones shared a narrative about his incredible life. His narrative covered his life growing up, becoming an attorney, and his involvement with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. Jones shared with his big audience that he played a role in helping Dr. King develop his “I Have a Dream” speech.  Once he was finished with his narrative, he took many questions starting with Mr. Wronko’s students, Jaded Velasquez and Sarayia Gadson.  They asked him about the challenges that he faced in his life and how he handled them.

Dr. Jones meets Ghana from Darryl Batts on Vimeo.

After their questions, VFW Veterans, Veronica Miller and Wilbur V. Martin had the pleasure of talking with Dr. Jones as well as Dr. Jones had the pleasure with speaking with the two VFW veterans. It was amazing seeing all sorts of history come together. For instance, Veronica Miller shared with Dr. Jones her service in Desert Storm and the War in Iraq, and Wilbur V. Martin shared the same time frame as Dr. Jones both belonging to the Civil Rights and Vietnam era.

After consulting with the veterans, Papa Williams and Keith Covin shared what an honor it was in meeting Dr. Jones and expressed their appreciation that he was able to take time out and join this Ghana session.






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Project Ghana

Special Video Conference with Dr. Clarence Benjamin Jones: Featuring Questions from Asbury Park High School and the Solid Rock Foundation School in Ghana

Just recently Dr. Clarence Benjamin Jones, personal counsel, draft speech writer, and friend to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. took time out from his busy schedule to join a video conference.

David Wronko



Dr. Clarence Benjamin Jones: Special Conferencing With Asbury Park High

Just recently Dr. Clarence Benjamin Jones, personal counsel, draft speech writer, and friend to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. took time out from his busy schedule to join a video conference which involved, Mr. David Wronko and his Asbury Park High School students, Sarayia Gadson and Ceahni Piper, and Papa and his students from the Solid Rock Foundation School in Ghana.

Dr. Clarence Benjamin Jones: Special Conferencing With Asbury Park High

During this conference Dr. Clarence Benjamin Jones spoke about his time working with Martin Luther King Jr. during the Civil Rights Movement and the challenges they faced in the south during the 1960s. In addition, he mentioned how history in this country should not be ignored or forgotten in regard to the harmful treatment of African Americans during the time of slavery and the racism African Americans had to overcome in the south after the period of the Civil War. Dr. Jones stressed the importance of the 1619 project being studied in schools which showed how African Americans were enslaved, how they overcame being enslaved, and how their strong march during the Civil Rights Movement established the momentum for equal rights in the United States.

When the conference went on, Dr. Jones also mentioned how he knew Malcolm X and Harry Belafonte, explained how Lyndon B. Johnson succeeded in getting Civil Rights Legislation through congress, and answered many different questions. The questions from Papa and the students from the Solid Rock Foundation School in Ghana asked:

1.What was Dr. Jones’ take on the current racial environment in the U.S. vs when King Was alive?

  1. What were Dr. Jones’ ideas about how to ease race relations today?


Mr. Wronko and his students, Sarayia Gadson and Ceahni Piper asked:

  1. If you could go back in time, what would be one thing that you would do different?
  2. How did you meet Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and did you think it was possible for him to run for President of the United States?
  3. What were your accomplishments with Dr. King that you were most proud of?


After answering numerous questions, Mr. David Wronko thanked Dr. Clarence Benjamin Jones for joining in on this video conference and hopefully they would be able to do another in the near future.

PS: I just want to thank Chrissy Hayes-Schneider and co-teacher Alfreda Clancy for their assistance during this event.

Also, Sarayia Gadson and Ceahni Piper for continuing their Action Civics Study which started under Jason Fitzgerald.

Check out for a full biography of Dr. Clarence Benjamin Jones on Jersey Voices Magazine.


Check out:

Bernice King Speaks at Black History Month Extravaganza In NJ (


Black History Committee Presentations Along With Ghana Sessions – Unheard Voices Magazine

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Project Ghana

Ghana Session: Celebrating Black History Month with Wilbur V. Martin

Vietnam Veteran, Wilbur V. Martin came to Asbury Park High School to participate in a Ghana session involving Oiada’s Student Ambassadors.

David Wronko



Wilbur V. Martin : Black History Month Ghana Session

Just recently Vietnam Veteran, Wilbur V. Martin came to Asbury Park High School to participate in a Ghana session involving Oiada’s Student Ambassadors along with the students from the Solid Rock Foundation Elementary School. Also in attendance were Mr. Wronko’s students.

The Ghana Session began with Oiada’s Student Ambassadors giving a presentation on the history of the military in Ghana.  They went into how the military began, women’s roles, and culture.

Wilbur V. Martin : Black History Month Ghana Session

Wilbur V. Martin; Black History Month celebration

After their presentation, Wilbur V. Martin addressed all students. He spoke about how he got involved with the military and his experience during the Vietnam War. Mr. Martin also talked about how the military ensured that James Meredith entered the segregated University of Mississippi. From there he mentioned the length of the Vietnam War stretching from President Kennedy to Lydon Johnson, and then finally to Richard Nixon.

Mr. Martin also shared that he was awarded the purple heart on two separate occasions while doing two tours of Vietnam. After his presentation, Oiada’s Student Ambassadors, Solid Rock Foundation Elementary School students, and Mr. Wronko’s students asked numerous questions such as his training, his world tours in which Wilbur Martin had gone to Germany and Korea besides Vietnam, and something he enjoyed doing while being in the military. What he enjoyed about the miliary was his paratrooping experience.

For instance, Mr. Martin told the students how during his first jump out of a plane he got caught in an air pocket which kept him in the air for a long period of time while the rest of his men made it to the ground. The students were amazed about his bravery of handling a dangerous situation.

All the students thanked Wilbur V. Martin for attending this Ghana session in celebrating Black History Month. Combining the history of Ghana’s military along with his history had made this a great start for this month’s celebration.


See Wilbur V. Martin on Classroom Close-up.

Project Ghana – Classroom Close-up, NJ (

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