This is not only an epidemic in Detroit, there is common denominator everywhere. For some reason, media tends to forget minorities, particularly blacks in covering stories.
Jitney is not only a good play by playwright August Wilson, but it depicts a real-life story in African-American history. Unheard Voices had the opportunity to...
Harold Huff is a poet from Long Branch, New Jersey. Instead of channeling his energy into negative places, Harold focuses on writing.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man of character and dignity who had a dream that one day we would all be equal. He is...
The "Ghost of Mingo Jack" is the true story of Samuel "Mingo Jack" Johnson, an African American man, who was wrongly accused of a crime. Johnson...
Rising artist Sophia Domeville, affectionately known as "Ms. Phia", has returned to her love of art with her exhibition “My Soliloquy Of Chaos”.
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Down These Mean Streets by the late Piri Thomas, is a classical autobiography where Thomas documents his coming of age on the streets of Spanish Harlem.
In the Fall 2011 Issue of Runway Magazine, Kelly Rowland spoke about loving yourself and encouraging women to "Be strong and don't be afraid to take...
In a joint effort with Unheard Voices Networks, Kevin Cheatham Players presents a new sitcom called "Dirty Laundry". Dirty Laundry is hilarious and will have you...