During a recent afternoon session with Ghana at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School in Asbury Park New Jersey, many topics were discussed.
Just recently over the past two weeks, the Dr. Martin Luther King Junior Middle School students in Mr. Wronko's class participated in two Ghana sessions.
Mr. Wronko's Facing History classes had the opportunity to videoconference the students in Ghana. Both sides presented presentations on Native Americans.
The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School in Asbury Park remembered the lives lost 18 years ago on 9/11 by having a special Ghana session.
Shane Rimmer was an actor that always would just show up. No matter what I was watching he would appear in that movie (I know I...
I recently watched Chadwick Boseman in Avengers Endgame and I was disappointed that he was not in this movie a lot more.
This post is in remembrance of two individuals who left the Earth not to long ago, Harley Race and Peter Mayhew.
Frank Miller, the author to the Dark Knight Returns comic book, and the Russo Brothers, directors of Avengers Infinity Wars and Endgame, had a lot in...
This will be my sixteenth year working for the Asbury Park School District.
Panafest is a celebration of African Americans returning to Africa with music and dance promoting the further development of the continent of Africa.