Two River Theater, under the leadership of Artistic Director John Dias and Managing Director Michael Hurst, announces the performance dates for One Child, an original play...
Corey Grant's Dysfunctional Friends, which premiered at the American Black Film Festival in Miami last year, will be released in limited AMC independent theaters on Friday...
In an appearance on The Daily Show, director George Lucas stated he had trouble getting funding for "Red Tails" due to its black cast.
Rising artist Sophia Domeville, affectionately known as "Ms. Phia", has returned to her love of art with her exhibition “My Soliloquy Of Chaos”.
Spike Lee is returning the character of "Mookie" from the movie Do The Right Thing for a forthcoming film entitled Red Hook Summer.
The autobiographical film by Dee Rees explores the issues of identity, alienation, and sexuality among black girls.
Down These Mean Streets by the late Piri Thomas, is a classical autobiography where Thomas documents his coming of age on the streets of Spanish Harlem.
Black Nativity, a soulful interpretation of the Christmas Story by Langston Hughes is a signature piece for The Dunbar Repertory Co.,
Are you a non-equity, African-American male actor between the ages of 20-60? If so, Two River Theater is looking for understudies for the upcoming play, Jitney,...
Heavyweight contender Ron Lyle, who fought Muhammad Ali for the title in 1975 and later battled George Foreman, has died in Denver at age 70.