An unarmed Bronx teenager has been shot dead by a police officer in front of his mother.
Jitney is not only a good play by playwright August Wilson, but it depicts a real-life story in African-American history. Unheard Voices had the opportunity to...
One can only imagine the reaction of the family members of Jarrel Gray and what they must have felt when the verdict came back not guilty.
The mogul is set to launch a music themed television network by the end of the year. Diddy's new channel will be called Revolt, which is...
Singer Mario knows first hand what it is to experience a loved-one dealing with substance abuse, and now he wants to help kids.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man of character and dignity who had a dream that one day we would all be equal. He is...
The "Ghost of Mingo Jack" is the true story of Samuel "Mingo Jack" Johnson, an African American man, who was wrongly accused of a crime. Johnson...
Terrance Arnett and several other parents complained to school officials at Beaver Ridge Elementary, who say the teachers were trying to incorporating the students' history lessons...
Jakadrien Turner, the 15-year-old Dallas girl who was mistakenly deported to Colombia after giving a false name will be handed over to U.S. officials Friday, the...
After the LAPD Commission declared Reginald Doucet Jr. shooting death by a police officer justified, a petition has surfaced asking the FBI to conduct an investigation...