Officials are investigating a noose found hanging in the National Museum of African American History in Washington, DC.
On Wednesday morning, police in Los Angeles told Lebron James that a racial slur had been sprayed painted on his home.
The Cleveland police officer who shot Tamir Rice was fired, but not for fatally shooting the 12-year-old playing in a park.
W.T. Stevens Construction has been awarded a multi-million dollar service contract to replace more than 18,000 lead contaminated pipes in Flint.
Just recently I received bad news that the legendary World War II pilot George Watson was in a coma.
15-year-old Bresha Meadows has been incarcerated for an aggravated murder charge for defending herself against the unrelenting abuse of her father.
25 years have passed since 12-year-old Quiana Dees was shot in the head and left to die in a vacant lot on Washington Ave and Fischer...
Former Balch Springs, TX police officer Roy Oliver, has been charged with murder in the fatal shooting of 15-year-old Jordan Edwards.
The Balch Springs Police Department announced that the officer who fired into a moving vehicle killing 15-year-old Jordan Edwards has been fired.
In a federal plea deal, Michael Slager has plead guilty, admitting to using excessive in the fatal shooting of Walter Scott.