A video released by Tulsa police shows the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man in which the chief says is "very disturbing".
Grammy award winning rapper T.I. turns the table on all lives matter highlighting police brutality with his new video Warzone.
San Francisco 49er Colin Kaepernick will donate $1 million dollars to community organizations aimed at social justice and change.
President Barack Obama commuted the sentences of 111 federal prisoners on Tuesday
White Lives Matter will be listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
This is every person's worst nightmare that came true early Tuesday for a family in Indianapolis.
A scholarship has been created to honor Philando Castile, who was killed by police in Minnesota several months ago.
About 20 White Lives Matter protesters stood outside a Houston NAACP headquarters Sunday (August 21)
While riding the MAX, three brothers overhear a man throwing racial slurs at a woman while she was holding her toddler. They began filming.
Charges have been dropped against a Durham woman and others who claimed harassment, excessive force and racial bias after police entered their home in April