Michael Brown never had a chance. The Missouri teenager was shot dead by police. He was unarmed.
John Crawford, 22-year-old father, was shot down and killed by cops in Walmart in Beavercreek, Ohio on August 5.
Theodore Wafer, 55, admitted to shooting Renisha McBride, 19, in the face when she appeared at his doorstep but he claimed it was self-defense.
The New York Medical Examiner has ruled the death of Eric Garner a homicide.
Those from the most prominent productions on Broadway gathered in front of the NYPD in Times Square to send a message about police brutality.
17-year-old Kendrick Johnson was found by classmates in the middle of a mat propped upright against the wall of their high school gym.
NYPD Commissioner has ordered all of the city’s 35,000 officers to be retrained in how they use force following the ‘chokehold’ death of Eric Garner.
Eric Garner died after being put in an illegal chokehold, a crucial fact officers on the scene seemingly forgot.
A judge has ruled against Marissa Alexander's request for a new stand your ground hearing.
After the video of Staten Island resident Eric Garner being put in a chokehold by police went viral, many have spoken out against NYPD's police brutality.