In honor of Martin Luther King Jr., I showed my students a powerful documentary entitled King in the Wilderness.
Krishna Martes, legislative aide to the office of Senator Gopal, took time off from her busy schedule to visit the Asbury Park High School to participate...
Just recently Dr. Jason C. Fitzgerald, Action Civics supervisor, and Patricia L. Supplee, League of Women Voters, participated in a video-conference with Oiada’s Student Ambassadors.
Mr. Wronko’s students and the students at the Solid Rock Foundation School in Ghana had a session remembering the attack on Pearl Harbor
Just recently the League of Women Voters, led by Patricia Supplee, came in and gave Mr. Wronko’s Advanced Social Studies Class a lesson on the importance...
Just recently Mr. Wronko’s students at Asbury Park High School conducted multiple presentations for the students at the Solid Rock Foundation School in Ghana. Their presentations...
Mr. Wronko’s social studies classes had the opportunity to video conference with the students at the Solid Rock Foundation School in Ghana.
Just recently Mr. David Wronko had two big events at Asbury Park High School including the League of Women Voters, Veterans Day, and Civics presentations.
Just recently Mr. David Wronko’s students did an observation of a session done by the Solid Rock Foundation School in Ghana and Aruba.
Before showing them the lift off to space, Mr. Wronko explained that William Shatner would become the oldest person to go into space.