The FBI has announced a $10,000 reward for information in the mysterious death of Jelani Day
Kierra Coles is a postal worker who was about three months pregnant when she went missing on Chicago's South side on October 2, 2018.
Officials say the phone is now going through forensic analysis and hopes the results can lead them closer to finding out what happened to Jelani Day.
Jaime Moore, the mother of Jashyah Moore, the 14-year-old who had been missing for about a month, has been charged with child endangerment.
JaShyah Moore, the New Jersey teen who went missing after going to a local deli, has been found safe, according to authorities.
JaShyah Moore, 14, of East Orange, was last seen on Oct. 14 at around 10 a.m. after she took a trip to Poppies Deli.
LaSalle County Coroner has revealed Jelani Day’s cause of death — weeks after his body was discovered and identified by officials.
Jeremy Coward is a Black/African Male from Paterson, New Jersey. He was last seen April 4, 2019.
Karena McClerkin was 18 at the time when she was last seen on Oct. 11, 2016, in the 1000 block of South Washington Street in Kokomo,...
She’s known as “Opelika Jane Doe” and detectives say it’s been an emotional case for them since day one.