Will America, the most powerful nation on earth, ever get it right when comes to humanity and race relations in our own homeland?
Another witness to the fatal shooting of Michael Brown has come forward.
Theodore Wafer was convicted of second-degree murder in the Nov. 2 death of 19-year-old Renisha McBride.
The family of AvaLynn demands answers on what happened to the 5-year-old at school after she came home with a bruised face.
Michael Brown, the unarmed teenager shot and killed by a police officer, funeral is taking place right now in St. Louis. Watch the Michael Brown Funeral...
A Texas woman going home from food shopping was pulled over by the police at gun point.
The Dream Defenders have started a movement to fight against police brutality and urging for police reform.
I don't know where we are heading but I certainly hope it is better than where we are.
Michael Brown will be memorialized and laid to rest on August 25th, the family has confirmed.
The talented Lauryn Hill is letting her voice be heard with a recent song dedicated to Ferguson and Michael Brown.